Telstra Heritage Museum Museum
The Telstra Heritage Museum (now closed) is a hidden gem that features the history of Telstra including a working telephone exchange.

Auburn Uniting Church
The Auburn Uniting Church was built 1888-89 and has a magnificent tower. Architect: Alfred Dunn

Hawthorn Town Hall
Hawthorn Town Hall is a magnificent Victorian-era building built between 1888 and 1890. Architect John Beswicke.

Hawthorn Town Hall – Yesterday Today & Tomorrow
Hidden Melbourne has had a very successful cooperation with the Hawthorn Historical Society, to create a virtual tour of the Town Hall through the ages. This virtual tour was featured in an exhibition at the Town Hall called “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, which displayed many historic items as well as allowing visitors to view an interactive tour including many historic items and stories.
Please visit the historical society web page here http://www.hawthornhistoricalsociety.com.au/
Visit the full tour of the Town Hall here: https://www.hiddenmelbourne.com.au/virtual-tours/hawthorn-town-hall-nowthen/

Auburn Uniting Church – Gigapixel view of Melbourne
In November 2016 Friends Of The Auburn Tower held an opening night to launch the TOWER PANORAMA by Hidden Melbourne. Former premier Ted Baillieu gave a stirring speech about the “Power of Towers” to enable us to see distant views and make visual connections to other high places surrounding us.
The TOWER PANORAMA is a high resolution 360° panoramic view from the spire which has been printed and mounted on the four walls inside the tower. It will be used in guided tours and enable those who cannot climb to the top, to be able to enjoy the view. The panorama is also an electronic interface, as we have included printed QR codes which can be scanned by mobile phones and drop the viewer onto remote towers which are visible from Auburn Uniting Church.
Here is a view of one panel of the panorama, showing the Western View (North, East, South and West are on the four walls). Barney is demonstrating the QR codes which open up the view from a distant tower when scanned.
Nothing beats climbing up the tower itself, please contact AUC and make a visit: Friends of Auburn Tower
We have also added a Gigapixel view from the tower balconies, which are extremely difficult to access. Enjoy it here: Gigapixel view